What drives us

The Internet has revolutionzed the way we see the world. Global supply and demand combined with access to information have reshaped the established conventions.

But the transition to digital hasn't been perfect. Fundamentally, the Internet provides the best way for transmitting data, but it lacks support for user identification and a native payment mechanism.

The Internet's initial promise of rich content accesibile for everyone is still far away. Content creators are struggling to monetize their work, and users find it difficult to navigate through low quality content. Blink's mission is to build a better Internet - to empower content creators and readers alike.

Meet the team
Mihai Ciucu
Chief Executive Officer
Palo Alto, CA
Bucharest, RO
Andrei Grigorean
Chief Operating Officer
Palo Alto, CA
Bucharest, RO
Monica Somandroiu
Operations Manager
Bucharest, RO
Niall Ferguson
Stanford, CA
Katharine Spence
London, UK
Mihaita Leoveanu
Engineering Manager
Bucharest, RO
Jonny Mack
Seattle, WA
Denis Mita
Front-End Developer
Bucharest, RO
Marius Cirstean
QA Engineer
Bucharest, RO
Vlad Tarniceru
UI/UX Engineer
Bucharest, RO
Mihai Ciucu
Chief Executive Officer
Palo Alto, CA
Bucharest, RO
Mihai Ciucu
Chief Executive Officer
Palo Alto, CA
Bucharest, RO